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Dr. Rawia Fadel
National Program for the Development of Educational Buildings

In 1988, with the technical support of the Harvard Institute of International Development and the financial support of the USAID, Dr. Fadel established a technical unit that provided specialized consulting services to the Egyptian Ministry of Education. The main objective of these services was to formulate and implement a National Program for the Development of Educational Buildings comprising planning, design, and construction of prototypes of school buildings at the national level. Between 1988 and 1992, consulting services included:

–  Carrying out a national survey of school buildings and establishing a comprehensive database on existing conditions that included the production of a GIS-based “National School Map” showing the distribution of the schools of various levels in relation to the population.
–  Developing and publishing planning and design standards for educational buildings, and providing training on their use and application.
–  Preparation of designs and construction documents for school prototypes for various regions of the country
–  Construction of about 58 model schools throughout the country.
–  Establishment of a National Program for the Development of Educational Buildings including implementation priorities and schedules, and estimation of cost and financing needs.

A national Authority for Educational Buildings was established in 1992 to continue the implementation of the national program. Within that program, and using the prototype designs, about 1100 schools have been built annually since 1993.

Dr. Samir El-Sadek

Tourism Development Authority

In 1989, Dr. El-Sadek established a specialized unit to provide consultancy services to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism known as the Tourism Development Unit (TDU). TDU was organized into three main functional departments: Technical, Economic and Financial, and Investment Promotion and Marketing. Between 1990-1994, TDU had a core team of 21 full-time professionals and 7 consultants engaged in 12 projects and seven special studies, ranging from the formulation of a National Strategy for the Development of the Tourism Sector, and the preparation of a Priority Action Plan for implementation, to the planning and design of priority projects and the establishment of tourism development standards and guidelines.

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